Katie Mitchell

Featured Travelers

Katie is based in the UK but is a regular globe wanderer. Her main passions are experiencing new cultures and visiting beautiful countries. When traveling Katie loves to get involved with dance and circus groups and workshops, this helps her in meeting local people from the place she is visiting. These people enrich Katie’s traveling experience by giving invaluable local knowledge and tips!

Katie with a mountain view
Katie with a mountain view

Our Interview with Katie

BT: Tell us a bit about what you were up to before you went away and why you decided to go on your trip?

Katie: Before I went away I was working as a full-time graphic designer. I had been at the company for 4 years when I left but I knew after 3 that I wanted to change it up, so started saving for the last year along with applying for my Canadian holiday working visa.

Suspension bridge
Suspension bridge

BT: Why did you choose the countries you visited?

Katie: I had always wanted to go to Canada after seeing all the beautiful landscape photos. I mainly traveled around British Columbia as it was the warmest winter in Canada! I was there from January to May but I’m hoping to return and travel around some of the other provinces.


BT: How did you go about meeting people on the road and do you keep in touch with them now you are back home?

Katie: During my time there I explored alone but also went on some group excursions, one was a 4 days trip to the Canadian Rockies which was amazing and I met lots of lovely people on the trip from all nationalities. I took part in many dance classes and circus classes which I found great to meet local people and learned lots of new things that I hadn’t yet from teachers in England.

I still keep in contact with a few people I met along the way and my teachers, that’s the joy of social media! And I will for sure link up with them when I go back.

Eating taffy
Eating taffy

BT: Were there any particular life lessons or moments of clarity?

Katie: I feel like I learned quite a lot from my trip and spending a lot of time in nature also gave me a great opportunity to reflect. I realized there are so many nice people out there that are willing to help you, all you must do is ask. Also that I really can do anything if I put myself out there and persevere.

Looking out over the lake
Looking out over the lake

BT: What advice would you give anyone wishing to go on a solo trip?

Katie: My advice for anyone going on a solo trip would be to organize where your gonna stay for the first week or even month (sometimes you get money off when booking for the whole month) but leave the rest open as you never know who you might meet or where you might want to go, I loved not being tied down to a plan.

If you’re struggling to meet new people (I found some places were easy to meet people and others not as much) then maybe take up a class you enjoy or sign up for a group trip. Also to save on money look into skill swaps, in Vancouver I cleaned the dance studio in exchange for dance classes which was perfect for me!

Skyscrapers and beach
Skyscrapers and beach
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