It’s not always easy to find new places to explore. Sometimes you need some help, and that is where this article comes in! I, the Bushcraft Explorer, want to share with you the best locations in the world for bushcrafting, as well as some tips on what tools are most important when exploring in the wild!
When it comes to bushcrafting, Spain is a great place to visit. There are plenty of forests and parks that are perfect for exploring, and you will find a wide variety of wildlife there as well. Make sure to bring a good knife with you, as you will likely need it for cutting through the undergrowth. Spain has the perfect climate for you not to shiver at night, so there’s no need to pack a minus-degree sleeping bag.
If you’re looking for an adventure, Australia should be at the top of your list. This country is full of diverse landscapes and ecosystems that are perfect for bushcrafting. You’ll find everything from rainforests to deserts in Australia, so make sure to pack appropriately. A sturdy pair of shoes is essential as there are many dangerous and poisonous animals in Australia.
Australia is very famous for its bushcrafting and they even have an official outdoor education.
Norway is a great place to go bushcrafting if you’re looking for a challenge. The landscapes here are rugged and unforgiving, but they offer plenty of opportunities for exploration. Make sure to bring a good knife and a map, as you will likely need both of them in Norway. Norway is a very safe country and some might even call it beginner-friendly. The most dangerous animals you will encounter are mooses and an occasional bear that you for sure will frighten just by making noises while moving around the forest. Norway is also exceptional for fishing and it’s an easy terrain to get your own food.
If you want to know more about bushcrafting in Norway you can visit their official website here.
When it comes to bushcrafting, the United States has something for everyone. You’ll find everything from forests to mountains in this country, so make sure to pack appropriately. A sturdy pair of shoes is essential, as is a good backpack for carrying supplies. And don’t forget your knife!
These are just four of the best places in the world to go bushcrafting; there are plenty of other places out there for you to explore. Fortunately, all of them are within reach!
If you have any comments or ideas on where to go bushcrafting feel free to comment! I would love to hear from you. Thanks for reading!