Tips for Eating Local Food When You Travel

Food & Drink Articles

One of the best aspects of traveling for me is food! Traditional recipes, exotic spices, aroma, and the flavors… there is something about the culinary world which is exciting, and every destination will take you on a different journey. So, when you’re planning your vacation, or enjoying this incredible gastronomic adventure, you must keep in mind that eating smartly will not only help you avoid getting ill but also aid in this adventure. So, here are a few tips to keep you happy and healthy during your next vacation.


1. Research only if you must

Trip planning can be quite a task, and researching the different restaurants and eateries only adds to the work. While researching the type of food, just so you’re prepared, is quite essential, it is best to just go with the flow when you travel. Be safe, not paranoid!

2. Fresh and cooked

Make sure that the food that you eat is freshly cooked, and cooked well! Anything that is boiled, fried, baked… it’s all safe. Raw vegetables, on the other hand, are avoidable. Also, while you’re in the restaurant, do check out the ambiance and cleanliness, but don’t be overly protective of yourself, you will be fine. 

3. When in doubt – SKIP!

Water, meat, fermented products, and more… if you think there is something wrong with the way it looks or tastes, it’s best to skip it! The best and the most healthy tip for travel is to carry your own water. 

4. Know yourself and be prepared

Understand what may cause you trouble, and how much your stomach can take. Things like buttermilk, yogurt, and lime juice are all good for the gut, and if you have a favorite amongst these, stick with it all your trip! And, if you do fall ill during the vacation, be prepared in advance. Make sure that the food that you eat is freshly cooked, and cooked well! Anything that is boiled, fried, baked… it’s all safe. Raw vegetables, on the other hand, are avoidable. Also, while you’re in the restaurant, do check out the ambiance and cleanliness, but don’t be overly protective of yourself, you will be fine. 

5. Observe

When it comes to street food, the key to a good meal is observation. Small things like the food counter, the equipment used and most importantly the rush will help you determine how good the food is. If there are many people at the counter, the ingredients are bound to be replenished, the crowd also ensures that the quality of the food is good. 

6. Spice is nice!

It is said that a little bit of spice is good. It keeps your metabolism going, and helps get rid of all that’s bad. So, it’s always better to indulge in a little bit of spice, but do be careful, a lot of it may take you where you don’t want to go! 

7. Give into the experience

Last but not the least, go with the flow. Experience the journey and follow the only rule of travel, enjoy!

The last thing that you want while you’re traveling is to fall sick. Hopefully, the above tips help you plan your upcoming culinary vacation! So, what are you waiting for? Plan your next holiday! 

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Meghan Waters Mbaye

Meghan is a contributor for Backpacker Travel. She is an avid traveler who is always up for a new adventure. Meghan loves exploring new parts of the world, especially in Africa and Latin America.

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