Popular Australian Food You Might Not Have Heard Of

Food & Drink Articles

Ready to dive first into some Australian grub (slang, for tasty food)? You might be interested to know that the Aussie enjoys a very multicultural diet. Many dishes that Australians consider truly Australian have been inherited from Italian, Chinese, and Greek immigrants during the gold rush times, or dishes the British settlers brought with them.

You will find indigenous dishes and Italian pasta going hand in hand. So when people want to try Australian cuisine, they are more than likely trying a twist on a dish that’s come from somewhere else. Without further explanation here are some classic Aussie meals you may not have heard of however don’t worry they are all bloody delicious!

Fairy Bread

A true favorite at every Aussie birthday party under 10 (maybe 20) is fairy bread. You make fairy bread by buttering some white bread and pouring hundreds and thousands on it then cut it into small triangles or squares. Now that may sound odd, but it is truly a delicacy. If you mention fairy bread to any Aussie adult you will see memories of childhood and happiness floating past their eyes.

Fairy bread
Fairy bread

Aussie Scones

It’s not a muffin, a cake, or a biscuit but falls somewhere in the middle. These baked goods were brought over by the early British settlers and have found a home in Australia with a good old cuppa tea. Slap some cream and jam on top for those special occasions.

Aussie scones
Aussie scones

Kangaroo Snags (Sausages) and Emu Pies

Australia is one of the few countries that don’t mind eating their emblem animals. So while you’re visiting Australia make sure you try some kangaroo sausages or an emu pie. Spicy kangaroo sausages are commonplace and a favorite amongst the locals.

Give them 5-10 minutes on the grill then serve them with bread, tomato sauce, and the caramelized onions.

You can find emu pies at most bakeries around the country, and they are equally just as delicious. You can purchase kangaroo sausages at most supermarkets in Australia and they certainly won’t be breaking the bank.

Emu Pie
Emu Pie

Surf and Turf

Surf and turf is a combination of seafood and steak served together. With the huge array of seafood in Australia such as Balmain bugs, oysters, calamari, or yabbies, this is a must. Australia is revved as producing some of the best beef in the world. Hot tip, make sure you try this in a coastal area to ensure you get the freshest possible seafood.

Snags & Skewers

Snags (sausages) & skewers. You will notice that skewers and snags are an essential part of all Aussie barbies (BBQs).

When you pick up the snags make sure you grab some bread, onions & tomato sauce! You will notice at every BBQ everyone will pile on onions. All you need to do to prepare them is thinly slice and throw them on the barbie with some oil to caramelize. Let them cook down for 20 -30 mins before serving.

Now the skewers can be tricky to cook, ensuring the marinade doesn’t burn before the chicken is done is a tough balance. Get this right or you won’t have people lining up to come over for your next barbie! If you want to see some get Aussie BBQ recipes head to Simply Meat Smoking.

Snags and skewers
Snags and skewers

Tim Tams

Have a look in any Australian cupboard and you’re bound to find a packet of these delicious chocolate biscuits. They now come in a variety of flavors but the double choc or traditional is a must when performing the “Tim Tam Slam”. Watch the video for this mouth-watering delight!

Tim Tam slam

Beetroot Burger

You might find some strange additions to your burger in Australia. Don’t be shocked to find things like pineapple, and egg making an appearance. It’s also pretty commonplace for a couple of slices of beetroot to be added. Now it might sound weird to first-timers however, it is a beloved burger ingredient and you will find it adds flavors you never knew were needed.

Beetroot Burger
Beetroot Burger

Anzac Biscuits

This sweet biscuit is a welcome treat for Aussies and can be found at many cafes and patisseries. Made up of rolled oats, flour, sugar, butter (or margarine), golden syrup, baking soda, and water – they can be crunchy or soft and chewy. The name comes from the association with the ANZACS (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps). Apparently, the soldiers were sent these biscuits during World War 1.

Anzac biscuits
Anzac biscuits


In addition to the Anzac biscuit and Tim Tams, Lamingtons are another popular Aussie treat that makes the perfect combo with a cuppa tea or coffee. Smack two squares of spongecake together, whack some cream in the middle, then coat it in a layer of chocolate before sprinkling some desiccated coconut on top. Yummo!


Slow-Cooked Greek Lamb

The classic slow-cooked lamb roast glazed in herbs served with potato and mint sauce is something most Australians grew up on. You will find that Australia produces a high quantity and quality of lamb. So like in any culture, if there is an excessive the locals learned to cook with it especially well. Either find a welcoming family to join for their weekly roast or head down to a local pub.

Chicken Parma

Chicken parma (parmigiana) is the most classic Aussie pub food, you will find it either served on a burger or with a plate of chips. The parma is a crispy chicken fillet that is smothered in Marianna sauce and topped with cheese that is then melted. It is what every Aussie will turn to when in doubt of what to order.

Chicken parma
Chicken parma

Potato Cakes & Dims Sims for the Win

I don’t know if anyone told you, but Australia has quite a beach culture, and one thing every Aussie loves after or during a beach session is some fish and chips. Australians love their fish and chips and you’ll be able to purchase them in any town in Australia. Make sure you order a couple of dim sims and potato cakes (you will thank us later).

Dim sims
Dim sims

So there you go, you’ve now got some more dishes to add to your list when you visit Australia. Are there any meals here you wouldn’t try? Aussies – have we missed anything?

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Britt Sharman

Brittnay is an Aussie and one half of The Travelling House Sitters. She has been house sitting around the world for the past three years if you want to get started house sitting she can help!

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