Cebu - A Treasure Trove in the Philippines

Destination Articles

Clear your mind. Imagine a grain of sand. Multiply that into millions as you grace your ever so delicate toes into the massive landscape you’ve just created. It tingles. It excites you – because it whispers a sense of serenity. It shelters you from stressful thoughts that have burdened you for the past week.

You begin to embrace the feeling. Bit by bit, you relax while basking in the sun. Accompanied by the soothing sounds of nature – it teleports you to your happy place.

The blue sky creates an umbrella for the vast green display – it seduces you to lose yourself in your thoughts. The cool breeze whisks its refreshing tail onto your face tickling your fancy.

This is the life.

Bantayan Island
Bantayan Island

Then, you glance at the horizon – you see crystalline blue water. It invites you. After a few seconds, you succumb. Next thing you know, you’re one with Mother Earth’s greatest masterpiece.

It feels surreal and magical. And then you realize it’s not a dream. A place like this really does exist.


This is the effect of a certain island in Cebu – popularly known as Bantayan.

A few years ago, I went to Bantayan Island with my friends to de-stress. We needed a break from work so we booked a flight and took a few days off.

It was one of the best vacations ever. A serene place where you can relax and embrace the beauty of life. There were only a few people on the island which made it more special – it’s as if you’ve fully detached from the hectic lifestyle you’ve been accustomed to.

What’s surprising is that there are a lot of scenic treasures you can enjoy in Cebu – you just have to be ready to embrace the adventure.

Plantation Bay

A few minutes from the bustling city proper lies a relaxation haven worth visiting. The secluded 11.4 hectare enveloped with distinct plantation architecture radiates class.

Plantation Bay
Plantation Bay

Private pools, a man-made lagoon and top-of-the-line amenities with a pinch of local culture will definitely uplift your mood. It’s a must to pick your own adventure by taking the tram or walking the path leading to conceptualized themed areas. While you’re at it, drop by Kilimanjaro Cafe where you can stare at the majestic painting in the ceiling while you dine.

Pool-hop, get sporty, and bask to your heart’s content but never leave the place without experiencing what the Mogambo Springs’ stone-walled sanctuary has to offer.

Lapu Lapu and Magellan’s Tale

A historic feat in 1521 marveled the Filipino literature and shaped the Nation. The battle in Mactan where Lapu Lapu spearheaded the defense against Magellan, a Spaniard, continues to inspire and attract tourists worldwide to the scene of the crime.

The majestic statue of Lapu Lapu is a sight to behold. After snapping away, visit Magellan’s Cross – a Christian cross planted by Portuguese and Spanish explorers as ordered by Ferdinand Magellan upon arriving in Cebu.

So what are you waiting for? Grab your camera, shades, steady-chill music and book a flight to one of the hottest destinations in the Philippines!

Lapu Lapu Statue
Lapu Lapu Statue
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Ara Charissa Sam

Ara Charissa Sam is a Filipino adventurer at heart — in search of rich cultures and awe-inspiring tales from other countries. Her day job involves crafting marketing programs within the telecommunications industry.

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